Consignors must prepare, and tag all of their own items. Instructions on how to prepare items are listed below. We greatly appreciate your detailed attention as you prepare your items to help our sale run smooth!

Have fun entering your items (this can be done at your convenience - it does not have to all be done at one time or in any particular order), but be sure to note that all items must be entered into the system and tags printed by 11:59 pm the Monday before the sale begins. That means no substitutions or additions after this time!
(You are able to print any tags from your active inventory after this deadline) ALL TAGS MUST BE PRINTED ON WHITE CARDSTOCK!! NO EXCEPTIONS!

Clothing and Shoes

  • All clothing must be on hangers with the hanger open to the left - resembling a question mark.  (see photos on right)

  • Our system will NOT allow any item to be priced less than $2

  • Be as descriptive as possible on your tag description. During heavy shopping times such as opening day, some tags are found on the sales floor. IF you are detailed we can normally pair the tag back to your item. Brand Name AND fabric description should be on every tag. If oyu just type "Easter dress" we may never find it or possibly put the tag on the wrong item.
  • Pin tags to the front right shoulder of the garment as you LOOK at it with a safety pin.
  • When hanging shorts, skirts, pants or capris, secure waistband to TOP of hanger with safety pins.  (see lower photo on right) MAKE SURE YOU USE A LARGE HEAVY SAFETY PIN! 
  • Blankets should be hung on a hanger and secured with a safety pin.
  • Do NOT use straight pins, paper clips, clothes pins or staples.
  • If selling more than one item together on two hangers, please tightly rubber band the two hangers together so they will not come apart. Make sure you notate the item amount on your tag description. ex: "set of 3"
  • Remember to button, zip, tie, etc ... each article of clothing that you submit.
  • Items do not need to be in size order before entering in the inventory system, but it might make the process easier, since the items must be in size and gender order when you check in your items at the sale.
  • Remove any stains and launder all clothing.  Ironing is not necessary but you could use a Wrinkle Releaser to make clothing look its best. Clothing with pet hair on them will need to be cleaned prior to arrival and you may be charged for the use of lint rollers.
  • Kids size shoes must be attached with a zip tie, ribbon or string.  Use a safety pin and attach the tag to a lace, the zip tie or a ribbon loop.  DO NOT attach the tag directly to the shoe material. Place infant shoes that you cannot zip tie together in a Ziploc bag and seal shut with clear packing tape.  Make sure the shoes are dry before sealing bag, they will  mold quickly. We will not allow shoes unless they are secured together. NO SHOE BOXES! We except 10 pairs of shoes per consignor with the option to leave 5 more pairs to put out as space allows.

Everything Else

  • For books, wood puzzles, games, videos, and DVDs, prevent the package from tearing by using painters or masking tape.  DO NOT tape over barcode! 

  • Place toys with small parts in Ziploc bags, tape shut and then securely tape to the item they accompany. Understand that children will try extremely hard to get in your small toy them tightly!

  • ALL items must be cleaned prior to your drop off appointment.  We do not have the space or time for you to clean your items at the sale.

  • Handcrafted items such as blankets, tutus, embellished clothing, burp cloths etc., are allowed but DO NOT put any business advertising or contact information on your tag or items.  We do not allow space for vendor's so we will not allow vendor's to display items throughout the sale. 

  • For larger items, such as infant bedding, use see through bags. Ziploc makes super size bags now and they are super easy to use. You can use clear packing tape to the exterior bag but DO NOT TAPE OVER BARCODE.

  • Price competitively - ask yourself what you would pay for the item. A good guide is 1/3  the new price for best condition, 1/4 the new price for fair condition. We offer a great pricing guide and you can find the link on the home page of our website.

  • Saturday is Half-Price Day. You choose if you want your items reduced as you are creating your inventory. 90% of Saturday shoppers are only shopping the sale items. We encourage you to choose this option - it's more satisfying to take home a bigger check than a load of unsold items!

  • Make note, we will sell your item for what is priced in the barcode.  If you change a price on any item, you MUST print a new tag.  Shoppers get very annoyed and sometimes put items back if the printed price differs from the sale price that the computer scans.  Make sure you are thorough as you are tagging.

  • CHECK YOUR PRINTER BEFORE SALE WEEK! If your ink is barely printing your tags will not scan. We reserve the right to charge you $25 if your tags cause check out problems. If you wait until the deadline to print I cannot help, so please be prepared and print a tag for a test prior to deadline!

2025 Spring Sales

Prom, Formal, &
Semi-Formal Sale

February 26 - March2, 2025

Time: TBD

Children's Sale:
Clothing, Books, Toys, Etc.

April 9-12, 2025

Wednesday 6pm-8pm
Early Bird $10

Thursday & Friday 9am-7pm

Saturday 8am-2pm
50% off most items

Adult Clothing,
Home Decor & More Sale
Prom, Semi-Formal, Formal Dresses and Accessories

April 16-19, 2025

Wednesday 6pm-8pm
Early Bird $10

Thursday & Friday 9am-7pm

Saturday 8am-2pm
50% off most items

Stillwater Community Center
315 W. 8th Ave.
Stillwater, Oklahoma

Adorable Affordables copyright 2007-2025.